sun lena example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word sun lena usage in english sentences. The examples of sun lena are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., catch.

To hunt animals or catch fish and birds, people need to be alert, quick, and have lots of presence of mind.जानवरों के शिकार, चिड़िया या मछलियाँ पकड़ने के लिए बड़ा सतर्क, जागरूक और तेज़ होना पड़ता है|

) If you re going to chase them one by one, you won t catch very many.
He would catch a female monarch, take her eggs, and raise them in his basement through their life cycle, from egg to caterpillar to pupa to adult butterfly.
If I made some silly mistake and needed to run away she should not be able to run after me and catch me! With such thoughts in my mind I resumed my seat in the chair in front of the table.
Rose managed to catch Madam Lyngdoh outside the classroom, something she had been planning to do for some time.
For instance, we consciously wave at waiters or friends to catch their attention.
And she saw it all again, last Saturday — saw him ghost past the lumbering defenders, heard the fifty thousand catch their breath as he hovered momentarily over the ball, and then the explosion of sound as he struck it crisply into the goal, the sudden thunderous eruption of exultant approbation.
They learn how to catch fish and how to collect material from the forests.
There is enough fish catch from the river – enough fish to eat and enough fish to sell in the market.
Think of a child who loses her/his parents at a young age with no one to take care of her/him; a young woman who loses her husband in a car accident; parents who bring up children who are physically or mentally challenged; young girls/boys who have to spend long nights in call centres and then catch up on their sleep during the day time.
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